欧多美家具厂是一家 实力雄厚,具有国际水准的专业生产家具厂家。本企业有专业 的技术管理,先进生产设备和素质优良的生产队伍。产品塑造 出温馨.自然.宁静舒适的气质,给 人以 一种返朴归真的感觉,端庄 之中透出一份豪华之 气派。我们将 一如既往,脚踏实地,在竞争中谋发展,求生存,从每一个部件做起,从每一个客户做起,我们热 诚欢迎所有新老客户一起携手合作,开拓美好 明天! Boshi Fumitue Factoy is a stong,inte mational standads of pfofessional poduction of fumitufe Manufactues. The companies have pofessional management,advanced poduction epuipmentand excellbntpuality of the poductionteam. Poducts ceate awann,natual,puiet,comfotabletem peament,giving a feeling of getting back to b,evealing a luxuy of being di gnified style. We will,as always,down toeath,seeking developm entin the competition, suvival,evey com ponent fom the stat,fom the statof evey custome ,me sinceely welcomeall the new and old customes wok togethe to develop a bette tomoow!