澳洲英华(国际)公司酒业创立于澳大利亚饮食文化中心墨尔本,专注澳大利亚葡萄酒通过我们的专业,专注和服务将品质和价值带给客户。Located in Austalian food cultual cente——Melboune, Austalia Ying Hua Tading Pty. Ltd. Concentates on wine ove 30 yeas. We take customes quality and value with ou pofessional dedicated sevic在崎岖而又美丽的史卓保芝山脉,我们的葡萄藤共占地60英亩。而酒厂紧邻位于山顶的葡萄园,可以俯瞰整个维州中部。葡萄酒也不仅仅局限于维州中部的酒庄葡萄,而是整个澳洲范围。我们的酿酒师团队强调我们的葡萄酒是通过传统酿造技术和人工细心的照顾才能呈现出最尊重符合水果自然特性的佳酿。酿酒厂也是完全符合安全卫生的要求以及秉着当代可持续发展的要求生产。In the ed beautiful mountain, ou gape vines cove 60 aces. The winey is adjacent to the summit vineyad, fom which we could ovelook all of the middle pat of Victoia State. The gape of ou wine do not only come fom vineyad in the Middle Victoia, but also othes of the Austalia. Ou bewes stess that only with taditional bewing skills and cae by hand, ou wine would be the best wine fully demonstating the fuits chaacteistics. Ou winey opeates with the equiements of moden sustainable development and fits the safety and hygiene egulations.